A review by snarkymotherreader
Funny Guy by Emma Barry


“I want to feel like if I stop running for a second, I won’t die. I want to stop trying to burn down the world because I think it’s going to burn down no matter what.”

Sam and Bree have been friends their whole lives. They both grew up in less-than-stellar homes and scraped their way out of their dumpster fire lives and into careers they love.

Their friendship becomes co-dependent where neither one can truly move into a meaningful relationship with anyone else. Bree realizes this and decides to finally distance herself from Sam, but of course Sam realizes at this exact moment that he feels more than friendship for his best friend.

Funny Guy by Emma Barry will tear your heart out and make you happy about the experience. It really goes in-depth into the mind of the resident tortured funny guy who seems happy-go-lucky on the outside but is battling major demons on the inside.

At the same time, it makes you laugh until your sides hurt while you hope the two main characters get out of their own way so they can truly SEE each other.

Favorite quotes:

“Who among us hasn’t been publicly flogged by a pop star?”

"I could break everything else in the world, but not you. Never you.”

I was given an e-ARC of this book for an honest review. Thank you to Netgalley and the author for the opportunity!