A review by comadivine11
The Price of Inequality by Joseph E. Stiglitz


Quite possibly one of the most important books I have ever read. This book explained and cemented things that I have been at least peripherally aware of for sometime but did not fully understand.

I think the most important takeaway from this book is twofold. First, that the 1% has increasingly co-opted our government and economic policies to benefit themselves at the expense of the rest of us. Most importantly, they have managed to convince a large portion of the 99% that the interests of the 1% are actually synonymous with the interests of the 99%.

The second important takeaway is that the reality is that it is in all of our interests to promote fairness and reduce (not eliminate) inequality. In other words, it is in all of our self-interests' to look out for the other guy. A stronger, healthier economy that benefits everyone and not just those at the top will lead to greater wealth for everyone, including the 1%.

Read this book.