A review by xokristim
Pigeon-Blood Red by Ed Duncan


actual rating 4.5 REVIEW TO COME ASAP!

I highly enjoyed reading this book. I thought it was paced perfectly, and had just the right amount of action. The amount of backstory given was just enough. I loved that the point of views changed within the chapters and not every other chapter. It helped to see what each character was feeling in each situation thrown at them at the same time.

I loved the character development throughout the story, I feel like I knew each and every one of the main characters. For some odd reason I was really drawn to Rico. I know he wasn’t a “good guy” but he was just so loyal throughout the book. I wasn’t shocked at any characters actions, but I though that was a good thing because I felt that I really knew each character and their though process.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a good crime thriller. It also would be a nice start if you want to get into crime thrillers. It was so easy to read and keep up with what was going on.  I haven’t read the most crime thrillers, but this was definitely the best one I have read. I can’t wait to check out more of Ed Duncan’s books!