A review by asimilarkite
Comment Comprendre Israël En 60 Jours, Ou Moins by Sarah Glidden


This was an interesting reading experience for me, because basically it was exactly what I went through when I went to Israel on birthright 3ish (was it really three?) years ago -- down to the fact that the author's name is Sarah (even though it's spelled wrong ;-)).

I actually wish that I had had the opportunity to read this BEFORE I went to Israel -- I think it would have put my own hesitations about my feelings about the place into perspective. The entire time I was in Israel, I did have mixed feelings -- were we being brainwashed? Did I have ANY right to be in this place? Why why why can't there just be peace?

I guess this is a review of this graphic novel and not of my own trip to Israel, but I think it's a testament to the author's skill that she PERFECTLY described what it feels like to be a liberal, secular, American Jew on a birthright trip. It made me reminiscent of my trip while also making me think again about the Israel/Palestinian conflict.

The ONE thing I wish she had gone into more detail about was her relationship with the other people on the trip (fellow birthrighters, as well as the Israeli soldiers, guides, and guards). For me, this was a huge part of the experience, and while Sarah touches on it she doesn't really go into detail. It must REALLY be a birthright thing for people who already have significant others back in the states to hook up, 'cause that happened on my trip too :)

After reading, I had to go back and look at my pictures of my own trip again. Nostalgic.