A review by vkemp
Lamentation by Ken Scholes


Windwir, capitol of The Named Lands, lies in ruins, dead by the Seven Cacophonic Deaths spell, brought back from the Churning Wastes by the Androfrancine Order. Who is responsible for the city’s devastation? Who stands to profit? Jin Li Tam and Rudolfo, King of the Wandering Gypsies, meet, fall in love and, together, attempt to unravel these mysteries and more. Petronus, the Assassinated Pope and Neb, his clerk assist them. Lies, deceptions and magic work, driven by someone who plays the game of Queen’s War with real people and lives. If you appreciate lush, fully developed fantasy worlds, such as Robert Jordan’s or Terry Brooks’, this is the book for you. Sure to be the beginning of a series, this book is fully realized with great story telling.