A review by seeinghowitgoes
A Duke of Her Own by Eloisa James


Villiers finally gets his happy ending, in the end he chose a woman who was in love with another man, in such denial about herself and in true Desperate Duchesses style, had a terrible mother.

Deciding to get his life and 6 bastards in order, Villiers has decided to marry, and along the way ends up trying to choose between two women, Eleanor, beautiful and passionate and broken when the man she loved married another woman, and Lisette, more than a little crazy but seemingly with no care about the ton and the implications for the bastards that come with the Duke.

How these women survive these upbringings you have to wonder in this series. As is the case with many romance novels featuring offspring there's a delicate balance between how much they feature, here I wish they had been more prominent considering how important they were in Villiers choice. Eleanor, I really enjoyed as a character! She came off rather limp at the beginning but came into her own towards the end, Lisette was just a nightmare.

This series won't be the same again without the spectre of Villiers floating around all the time. Also, how is everyone in this series a Chess Master, c'mon!