A review by leahegood
The Confession of St. Patrick by St. Patrick


Did you know that Saint Patrick was an Englishman? Did you know he was captured and made a slave in Ireland? Did you know the trial of kidnapping and slavery drove him to the Lord?

A few weeks before St. Patrick's day, Grace Mally published her Saint Patrick Gospel Tract. The brief tale of Patrick's life contained in the tract piqued my interest, so--after digging through my dresser for something with a hint of green this morning--I looked up Saint Patrick online and found this short book written by the man himself.

His writing seems a queer mix of several denominational beliefs, but considering the difficulty of his life and his isolation from either his Catholic roots or any other established church, I guess that's not surprising.

My favorite part of this little book was the first chapter. Riddled with scripture references, the words might have been written by nearly any Christian past of present. Though Patrick lived only a few hundred years after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, it seems little has changed in the way Christians thing, believe, and hope in the 2,000 years since. As God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so is His Spirit that has indwelled Christians yesterday, today, and forever. There is a comfort and thrill in realizing that. :)