A review by michalice
When We Collided by Emery Lord


I've not read anything by Emery Lord before, but the synopsis and cover for When We Collided had me looking closer and wanting to read this. I went into this book with no idea of what to expect, and found myself wanting to know what was going on.

Vivi is a unique character in every way, her fashion sense, her personality, and how she invades Jonah's life. Jonah is the opposite, he is responsible for taking care of his family, his siblings and his Mum. He works to pay bills and rarely has time for himself, until her met Vivi.

When We Collided was a book that had me wanting to know more. I really liked how it's told from both perspectives, Jonah and Vivi, so we get to see the bigger picture. When I first met these characters I really didn't know how they would end up together, how thier opposite personalities would work, but they surprised me at how well they did work. Vivi brings Jonah out of the tough times, giving him hope and something to look forward to, and Jonah has a somewhat stable and occasionally calming effect on Vivi, letting her focus on things, like spending time with his family.

Throughout the book we get an idea that there is something going on with Vivi, and underlying aspect to her personality that isn't really elaborated on until much further into the book, I saw the signs and put things together quite early on, but seeing it all play out was a different experience for me.

Final Verdict
When We Collided was a really enjoyable book, I fell in love with the characters and the world Emery has created. I may have even shed a tear or ten at the end of the book.