A review by emilyob
Take Three Girls by Simmone Howell, Fiona Wood, Cath Crowley

Three talented girls form an unlikely friendship at a posh-as girls' high school while taking life paths they didn't expect they were going to take. A LOT happens in this book, probably because it was written by three people who could have formed a novel out of each of these girls' storylines with one arms tied behind their backs.

The best thing about Take Three Girls for me was the writing. Co (tri?)-penned by two of my favourite OzYA authors, Cath Crowley and Fiona Wood, and Simmone Howell, who I'm yet to read, the language and the descriptions are really very lovely at times.

(For my queer reading buddies who like a f/f storyline, there's a wee one in there, but it's a very small part of the plot.)