A review by jeremygoodjob
From Hell by Alan Moore


“…the idea of a solution, any solution, is inane. Murder isn’t like books…It holds meaning, and shape, but no solution. Quantum uncertainty, unable to determine both a particle’s location and its nature, necessitates that we map every possible state of the particle: its super-position. Jack’s not Gull, or Druitt. Jack is a super-position…Our detective fictions tell us otherwise: everything’s just meat and cold ballistics. Provide a murderer, a motive, and a means, you’ve solved the case. Using this method, the solution to the Second World War is as follows: Hitler. The German economy. Tanks. Thus, for convenience, we reduce the complex events. The greater part of any murder is the field of theory, fascination, and hysteria that it engenders. A black diaspora. Our tireless, sinister enthusiasm. Five murdered paupers, one anonymous assailant. This reality is dwarfed by the vast theme-park we’ve built around it. Truth is, this has never been about the murders, nor the killer, nor his victims. It’s about us. About our minds and how they dance.”