A review by jeanz
The Experiment by Cindy C. Bennett


Not a only a Dystopian story this seem to has Sci-Fi and Shifer elements to it too. I like the idea of the shifters and can't wait to see what Cilla and Emiah will be able to morph to.
Initially I found the names and characters a little confusing. As in Juliet, nick named Jules seemed to have a usually male type of role, and Emiah nicknames Em seemed to be a more reserved female type of character.

I received this e-book form the Authors, Sherry, Jeffrey & Cindy. The cover is okay, I see the planet in the back ground, as the children left earth and live on Senca One. Then there's the three characters . . . did I imagine them to look as they do? Not particularly, in that I'd find it difficult to choose which of the girls was which, if pushed I'd say the one with the long blonde hair would be Cilla and the more determined looking one would have to be Juliet.
I like the quote/byline on the book "They were not supposed to happen" it is a really fitting quote. The quote fits a few scenario's in the book. Firstly, as apparently on Earth it is illegal to have multiples ie. twins or triplets so the Tripp family escape to Senca One. It also fits that what the children can do (in morphing) is also (. . . not supposed to happen). And another thing that fits the byline is that further into the book we find out a large secret about the Tripp parents, which ". . . were not supposed to happen"
Would the cover make me pick up the book in a bookstore? Being totally honest and truthful, sadly maybe be not. Why "sadly"? Because the book itself really is a really good read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. What do I think to the blurb? The blurb definitely catches my interest and would make me want to buy the book.
So the basic story is the Tripp family have been hiding out on Senco one then one day the Collaborative/Trolls take the parents and place them under arrest. The children manage to escape into the forest. That day seriously changes their lives. Juliet is attacked by a crimson eagle, and suffers a deadly fever. Emiah and Cilla look after her as best they can. Juliet survives the fever but is "changed" she can morph into the very animal that attacked her, a Crimson Eagle. Slowly as the story develops the other two characters find are attacked and find out what their "morph animals" are. It's really hard trying to talk in detail about the book without giving away the others talents. They three siblings also meet up with other great characters and are gradually "paired off" Jules finds herself with Brax who also seems to have "supernatural elements" in him too. Then there's Marius who is the self appointed leader of those who wish to rebel against the Collaborative and their laws. And there's Halidor who is also working deep within the rebellion.
The three siblings have to decide whether they want to just concentrate on rescuing their parents, or getting caught up in the rebellion's cause. Can either one be separated from the other? Or do they just go hand in hand?
There's intrigue, drama, betrayals, mysteries, suspense and of course some romance too.
I like the way that the book is written by three different Authors, each taking a different character to write for. In my opinion it works really really well. There was just once in the book I was a little confused, when something happens to the crimson eagle and you get the scene from different angles from the different characters. I had a moment of like "hey, hasn't that just happened? Why are we going on about it again? but then I read on and saw it was kind of necessary to tell the same scene again from the point of view from another character.
I love that three great authors in their own right are coming together to write another brilliant book together.
So did I enjoy the book? Yes, I really did. Even the fact I was ill during reading the book, the book really kept me interested. Would you recommend the book? Definitely, it has dystopian aspects, among lots of others so I think it will to lovers of a lot of genres!. Would you read a book two in the series? I definitely would like to read another book in the series, though I'm not totally sure there will be one as there are the three chapters at the end. Maybe we can have a book on all that happens between the end of the first book and the add on chapters at the end. Would you read other books by these individual Authors? I have actually read one by Cindy C Bennett already and I would certainly check out titles by all three Authors. Would you read other books by more than one author? Yes I think this book really worked well so I would certainly consider more.