A review by amalyndb
Beta by Jasinda Wilder


content note: rape, kidnapping, nonconsensual drug use, torture, waterboarding

This started out interesting: Valentine, Kyrie's benefactor and love, has been kidnapped while she sleeps and a hitman shows up where they have been staying. Fairly epic car chase and escape for Kyrie and Harris, but then perspective switches to Valentine.

Valentine, with his kidnapper and she is intent on having him, even when he tells her “'This is rape, you know.’ I sounded cool and calm, as if rage and horror weren't rifling through me.” (And yes, I would be equally as bothered if it was a woman being kidnapped, raped, drugged, and raped again.)

The action parts are intense, but it is really disorienting / distressing to go from somewhat questionable coercion/ consent of the first erotica to rape and torture.

Also, once again no use of condoms, even after he has been raped by another woman who has discussed her other sexual partners amongst her security forces.

Oh, and more rape. :/

At this point, I don't think I’m going to read the third, as this was just too brutal for me. (Rape and torture in a standard thriller / crime novel I can usually deal with, but in an erotica series, I’m having trouble.) Yes, there was “healing together” sex after the rapes, but just nope for me. A tiny part of me is slightly curious if they all get killed or manage to deal with the big bad, but more of me is just nope.