A review by jackiemcee
Black Swan Affair by K.L. Kreig


I don't know what to say. It's really difficult for me to review a book that held all the feels and gusto for me. But let me try...

I've read a lot of love triangle novels. Yep, I think all the blurbs out there that screamed love triangle, I've read it all. It's my genre after all. The last love triangle book I've read that made its mark on me was Thoughtless; it was brutal. This IS NOT that kind of book, because this one showed boundaries and I can't help but admire the author for that... that right there is a virtue you barely read nowadays.

The difference of this book above all the love triangles I've read is that this time, it made my heart ache in a blissful way. Ever since I started reading, I've been rooting for Kael because you know he's that selfless and love needs to be selfless for it to flourish. I understand what was the deal with Killian. I also know he sacrificed a lot just to correct mistakes that he didn't even commit. But since I'm a hopeless romantic, I'd say that his love wasn't enough to fight for what he truly felt for Mavs. So along the way, I started hoping and praying that the author wouldn't fuck up Kael nor let Mavs choose the wrong brother.

I have my reasons for being on #TeamKael. Believe me, I thought I would also be on #TeamKillian after that revelation. But this one quote made me stand my ground on who should I be rooting for, and that's his team:

"Follow your heart, and if that leads you back to me, know that I will spend every one of my days smothering you with love, but if it leads to him, then I know he will do the same.”

The author made the transition smoothly between past and present. But this is my first time not to feel so much conflicted on whose team should I choose. I'm guessing it's because Kael & Killian's connection with Mavs is unequally portrayed. If they only had that same comprehensive portrayal, my heart would be a blubbering mess by now. Nevertheless, I'm glad I chose Kael. All throughout the book, I never regret my decision and I want to thank the author for not ruining her characters because I love each of their personalities.

6+FollowYourHeart-Stars! A man like Kael and a bestfriend like MaryLou, pretty please?