A review by jscarpa14
The Nixie's Song by Holly Black, Tony DiTerlizzi


On a positive note there seemed a little bit more to this book than there was in the books of The Spiderwick Chronicles, on a negative note it was still on the short side and left a lot of loose ends that I'm hoping resolve themselves in the books to follow. Granted the smaller size is great for younger readers which are in all fairness the target audience for these titles so it's really not a negative unless you're an adult reader reading outside of your age category because everyone knows kids books are so much more fun than grown up books.

Black and DiTerlizzi bring you so much closer to these characters and their issues outside of the fairies in their backyard specifically Nicholas who seems to be the main character even though he's the one the most reluctant to admit fairies exist or to become involved in their world. While the book still uses an outside narrator you pretty much only get to see things through Nick's eyes though I really hope future books give us the opportunity to see through Laurie's because I just plain like her better than Nick.

I find it interesting that both series include dysfunctional families trying to find their way back to being functional and I think this will appeal to a lot of kids who find themselves in similar situations angry that they can't do anything about it. I also liked that Jared and Simon made an appearance in the book and hope that they continue to be in future titles in the series. However I can honestly say while Jared was my favorite character of the original series if this book had been my first introduction to him I really wouldn't have liked him. He's a lot more abrasive when you're not seeing the world from his point of view and I can kind of understand why he had so many issues with authority figures in his own story.

Besides the fact that I felt a little unresolved upon finishing this title I would definitely recommend the book and I think fans of The Spiderwick Chronicles will be impressed with how much the following series ups the ante even as it introduces so many new faces and settings.