A review by tome15
The Short Victorious War by David Weber


Weber, David. A Short Victorious War. Honor Harrington No. 3. Baen, 1994.
David Weber is an a very big fish in the small pond of military science fiction influenced by the naval stories of C. S. Forester. In this third novel in the still growing Hornorverse he has constructed a story with sharp contrasts—honor and bravery versus craven cowardice, romantic sexuality versus violent rape, noble causes versus bureaucratic ruthlessness. Weber admires the military virtues, but he knows that even short victorious wars leave scars even on the winners. However unlikely a reader may find the possibility of a government like the monarchy Honor Harrington fights for, it is comforting to think that such an enterprise will always prevail over the bureaucratic real-politic of the People’s Republic of Haven, and that a woman with pluck and skill will prevail over cowardly rapists. It is one of the series I enjoy rereading. Note: an ebook version of the novel is available on the Baen Free Library, one of the noblest enterprises in publishing.