A review by trudyd
Save a Truck, Ride a Redneck by Molly Harper


The title alone had me intrigued. So catchy!! Take me to the rednecks. They say location is what matters. Let me tell you the location of this story is a smorgasbord of future books. This preview (novella) was one of the best teasers for future books I have read in quite some time.

So what was so good about it you may ask. First off all this is a second chance romance, one of the most fun genres that I read. It was also a second chance homecoming for Marianne who had fled Lake Sackett four years earlier. She has been avoiding the return home, avoiding her past, avoiding regret. But she can't avoid the guilt laid on by her momma.

The family dynamics are so unique, so special. I want to search all of Georgia for the funeral home that has a bait shop connected on one side and a snack shop on the other. Talk about one stop shopping. Really, who thinks up this stuff??? The amazing Molly Harper, that's who.

Marianne's family is quite the eclectic group. The holidays must be an absolute blast. And her ex-boyfriend, Carl had me dreaming of ways to breakdown needing a tow truck. I think of Carl and the strong silent type. With him sometimes actions speak louder than words. But his words can cut deep, having me turning the pages for more, more, more.

Listened to the audio today. So much fun!!!