A review by satyridae
Mouth Wide Open: A Cook And His Appetite by Matt Lewis Thorne, John Thorne


This book made me cranky more often than not. The authorial voice is one I found annoying due in no small part to the use of 'myself' when 'me' would have done. The recipes were interesting, to be sure. However, I found them presented in a supercilious and smarmy fashion. Thorne rabbits on about how he never follows a recipe in a book, then condescends to share his tweaked and polished recipes with you. Surely you, dear reader, will not need to take any liberties! He hastens to assure you that if you do, he won't mind a bit, and he probably wouldn't. But still, he rubbed me the wrong way. I remember liking his earlier _Serious Pig_ but after this book, I won't go back to check. Just in case.