A review by lilyn_g
Amnesia Moon by Jonathan Lethem


Have you ever read one of those books that suddenly went so far in the direction you weren't expected that you had no idea - NONE- how you were going to review it? Like, the book started off all normal, but by the end of it you were left staring blankly ahead, thinking to yourself "What the heck did I just read?"

Well... What the heck did I just read???

Its an interesting premise, and at least the first half of it is very definitely a great, unique read that I thoroughly enjoyed. Now, I enjoyed the second half too, but it definitely got very strange, very quickly. Especially the last fourth of the book. When talking about it with one of my book reviewer friends, I described it as "Well, that just took a left turn at Albuquerque!" I am still speechless and having trouble putting thoughts together.

I have a feeling if you read this book while so intoxicated you could barely see straight, it would make perfect sense, and maybe even be a bit profound.

See, at first this guy's journey makes perfect sense. The world around him is twisted, but you're very able to accept that. He has a companion, he sets off on your typical post-apocalyptic "find a way/find yourself trip" but then things just start to get more and more weird. Like, you can't even pinpoint exactly when it crosses the point from "strange" to "WTHDIJR", he slips you into it so subtly.

Ooh, he's good. He's very, very good. By the time the main character's journey has come full-circle, I don't think there's anything Mr. Lethem could write that you wouldn't just sort of nod your head to, and quietly accept, even while your brain cells cry out as they get twisted into insanity inside your head.

I recommend this book. I caution you to maybe have adult beverages at the ready, though.

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