A review by blodeuedd
The Obsidian Heart by Mark T. Barnes


I am a bit torn when it comes to this review. I struggled with the book, it did not keep my attention. For that it was only ok. BUT the world building is just so rich. Mythology, politics, culture, fighting, everything is just so interesting. I do love the world. The story stagnated though.

Idris is still being good. Mari is still thinking her dad is bad, but nothing doing anything more. Corajidin is still being bad and wanting to take over everything. The leaders are still being idiots and should have Corajidin executed, but money can buy anything and everyone.

Ok lots happened, and nothing happened. People talked, thought about things, went back and forth. Accused each other of things they had not done. Fought. And then witches came. The end.

Something was missing, something that made me enthralled with book 1 (even if if it took two turns to finish it). But here I never became that enthralled, frankly I felt disappointed.

So the book was ok, the world was good. The world saves the rating, deserving? Maybe not. As it did not make me want to read more. A rating of the heart, not the mind.

1 day later. I changed my mind. Yes the world was good, but the mindless reading I did, no. Have to rate it just ok.