A review by anotherpath
Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis by Jared Diamond


I listened to this one. I sort of think I want to read my next Jared Diamond book. They're fairly engrossing to listen to, and I think it would be less of an effort to get through it. It just takes me forever to finish audiobooks anymore.

In this work Diamond compares 7 Nations going through a time of crisis across decades or centuries. Diamond's assesment of each country and their relative ability to find some sort of crisis resolvement.

His assessment of the United States was fascinating, frank, and well thought out. I need to find a paper-back of the book just to re-read that section. I thoroughly enjoyed when he discussed the wealth disparity between the richest and the poorest in our country, and summed up the Wealthy Class' responsibilty over the gap by saying something along the lines of, 'The poor's frustration will disrupt your lives and safety, and you will not be able to escape that.'

We should listen to people like Jared Diamond more. I look forward to reading my next book of his.

“Yet we promise developing countries that, if they will only adopt good policies, like honest government and free market economies, they too can become like the First World today. That promise is utterly impossible, a cruel hoax. We are already having difficulty supporting a First World lifestyle even now, when only 1 billion people out of the world’s 7.5 billion people enjoy it.”