A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Uncanny X-Men: The New Age, Volume 1: The End of History by Mark Farmer, Chris Eliopoulos, Alan Davis, Frank D'Armata, Chris Claremont


So this may be a bit confusing to anybody that hasn’t been following the X-Men comics up until now, but Volume one doesn’t always mean that it’s the first in the series. More like it’s the start of a new long term plot. The End of History actually starts with Uncanny X-Men #444, to put that in perspective for you.
While most of Claremont’s work in Uncanny X-Men has been popular, this series had a rather lackluster fan response. That’s likely due in part to the fact that the plot before this one was darker and heavier – and thus a difficult act to follow. It probably also had something to do with the plot and overall tones with the series.

This volume felt like it was missing something. I think that’s the best way to explain it. I know that it’s probably because they’re still recovering from what has happened to them in the past, but at the same time that doesn’t really change the facts. I kept putting this volume down, getting distracted by this and that. I feel bad admitting that…but it is the truth.
It was nice seeing the team back together again. Well, most of the team. I haven’t read as much X-Men as I’d like, and I thought going back to here was a good starting ground for me. While I wasn’t thrilled with this volume I do think I’m going to continue my read through.
There are some funny moments that happen in this volume, as well as a few really great fight scenes. So I have to give them credit for that. There’s also the whole Wolverine acting without talking about it thing, thus surprising the whole team…but that’s not really a new thing, is it?
The antagonist for this volume was interesting. It was my first time seeing him, so for a minute I actually got him confused with another character/event that happens. When I realized my mistake I was okay with it though. I still enjoyed the twists involved, probably more so because I really didn’t see them coming.
The nice thing about X-Men, or the bad thing, depending on how you want to look at it, is that there are always new characters being introduced into X-Men. Now, since I haven’t read a ton I can’t say for certain if the characters here are actually new. But they are new to me, and that’s enough. It’s sometimes fun getting to know newer characters. Especially when you’ve been craving change.
I do hope that the next few volumes pick up the pace, as this one was a bit on the slower side for my liking. I’m looking forward to seeing what the next volume will have in store. Will the same characters be involved? Or will they switch out? Those are rhetorical questions by the way, so don’t tell me the answers! I’ll find out soon enough.

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