A review by tpriest
Seeing Red by Olivia Howe


Once again Olivia has written an amazing book. I not so patiently waited to get my hands on this book and once I was finally able to get time to sit down and read it I couldn't put it down.. I was up till 4am reading it. Nina and Andrew's relationship and adventure continues in this book with lots of drama. Nina continues to battle her depression, but her strength and with Andrew's support she does not let it get the best of her. I think she really grew a lot stronger as a person in this book (even to the point of trying to attack a vampire). Andrew learns information about his parent's from a new family in town. You want to know more, you will have to wait till June 24th for the book to release and be sure to tell Olivia Happy 20th Birthday that day! Cant wait for the 3rd book in this series!!