A review by aprillynn
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides


HOLY COW, WHAT DID I JUST READ?!?!?! It honestly took me a bit to get into this book, but I am so glad I followed the advice of some fellow book worms and kept at it!
Just when I thought I had it ALL figured out Michaelides threw a wrench in my thought process and totally messed with my mind (in the best possible way). Just when you thing the story will zig, it zags, and you truly go back forth about the characters and their intent.

Just when you think Alicia is innocent, you are led to believe she's guilty, and then innocent again, and this goes back and forth throughout the whole novel. You also begin to wonder whether she is stable/unstable or just plain likes playing games with Theo's mind as time goes along. Michaelides has you second guessing all that you know about the story left and right during the second half of the book, and until the last several chapters of the book you you have no clue just how messed up everything is... ESPECIALLY Theo...

And speaking of Theo... He is one DARK and TWISTED dude by the end. If you think his thoughts towards his wife cheating on him and his actions towards this are twisted, just wait until that last bit of the book...