A review by mepitts
A Banquet of Consequences by Elizabeth George


Really wanted to like this book but just couldn’t for a variety of reasons:
—it was way, way too long. Too many of the threads took FOREVER to resolve. How LONG should we wait for the victim characters to start asserting themselves? How long will the “fake victim” continue to control the people around her?
—although the narration did ethnic and class accents well, most of the “standard English” narration was odd and affected—too much artificial pitch change, too “fey.”
—although we’re meant (I assume) to admire Barbara for her skills in spite of her rebellion and unprofessionalism, her “bating” of a minor female character for “doing the dirty” is evidence that she’s someone who grew up powerless and enjoys using her police authority to abuse others. She references the murder as rationale for her behavior but that’s exactly wrong—Given international demonstrations about abuses of police power, the Barbara character is a loose cannon that needs to be spiked—time to be retired or reformed.

Conclusion? Respect to those who enjoyed the book but I was glad when it was over. Not recommended.