A review by super_nova90
A Kingdom of Exiles by S.B. Nova


This was truly a terrible waste of time. It took me months to finish it. I kept hoping this almost 600 pages of absolute trash would get better, but it never did. It honestly got worse. It started off with potential but quickly derailed. The MC is the biggest Mary Sue I’ve read in ages, I rolled my eyes so many times reading this garbage I’m surprised my eyes didn’t get stuck in the back of my head. The writing itself is poor. The dialogue even more so. The author couldn’t pick a time or proper place for this. Modern day language in a fantasy/mid evil setting. Zero to no world building, too busy having to write about the MC’s obsession with a guy, or excuse me, MALE (because apparently men aren’t a thing in this book. They’re all MALES. Pardon me while I go throw up), she just met. Serena, the MC, is useless, but yet everyone and anyone basically falls in love with her the second they lay eyes on her. She has no personality other than being a whiny constant annoyance. Anytime she’s faced with anything, she freezes up and lets everyone else deal with it, but she’s supposed to be some all powerful being. Mmmk. I don’t normally hate the main character of a book, but I DESPISED Serena. The other characters were not much better, but she takes the freakin’ cake man. I only finished this out of sheer force of will, because I hate leaving books unfinished no matter how much I dislike them. Don’t waste your time with this book. Seriously. You’ll regret it. I’ve read FanFictions written by teenagers infinitely better than this.

The second book has been pushed back 3 years. Let’s hope the author just gives up on it entirely.