A review by kistireads
Monstress, Vol. 1: Awakening by Marjorie Liu


I don't typically read a lot of comics or manga but Monstress is one that I'm very drawn to. One of my favorite things, aside from the story, is the artwork here - the colors and designs set such a dark and atmospheric tone - it is both beautiful and intricate.
From the imagery to the storytelling this comic is rich and complex and mysterious. I am compelled to continue even at this late hour. This is a very plot driven novel, and the plot moves quickly. I love the flashbacks and finding out more about the characters pasts and the world. The worldbuidling is done in a very clever and classroom type fashion - of the professor teaching his students of the history and politics of the different races in the world as the story goes on. The worldbuilding feels heavy but I feel as I ease into the comics more that this will all become second nature.
I am glad I read this twice as things as much clearer the second time around.

I'm not sure if comics/mangas go in depth about their characters but I'd love to see more of that in the coming novels and I have a feeling we will as the ending leaves us on quite the cliffhanger!

Second time around and I enjoyed it immensely and picked up on parts I hadn't picked up on the first time around. Highly recommended read!

Merged review:

I don't typically read a lot of comics or manga but Monstress is one that I'm very drawn to. One of my favorite things, aside from the story, is the artwork here - the colors and designs set such a dark and atmospheric tone - it is both beautiful and intricate.
From the imagery to the storytelling this comic is rich and complex and mysterious. I am compelled to continue even at this late hour. This is a very plot driven novel, and the plot moves quickly. I love the flashbacks and finding out more about the characters pasts and the world. The worldbuidling is done in a very clever and classroom type fashion - of the professor teaching his students of the history and politics of the different races in the world as the story goes on. The worldbuilding feels heavy but I feel as I ease into the comics more that this will all become second nature.
I am glad I read this twice as things as much clearer the second time around.

I'm not sure if comics/mangas go in depth about their characters but I'd love to see more of that in the coming novels and I have a feeling we will as the ending leaves us on quite the cliffhanger!

Second time around and I enjoyed it immensely and picked up on parts I hadn't picked up on the first time around. Highly recommended read!