A review by thindbooks
The Good Hawk by Joseph Elliott


*this book was given to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return*

This was an enjoyable book. It’s two heroes in Scotland, Agatha who is a Hawk and is a whispers and then there is Jaime who is an Angler and is getting married to a girl he never met. When the clans get kidnapped, both Agatha and Jaime team up to find who took them. Usually I’m not a fan of historical fiction but I enjoyed this one. I liked the authors writing and how he wrote the story. The pacing was a little slow in the beginning but it picked up later on in the book. It was fun learning about different clans and also mixing in magic with it.

I liked the characters in this book but didn’t feel connected to them. There is Agatha who is 15 years old with Down syndrome. I liked Agatha because she is a brave character that would do anything to save her people. She developed a lot through the story and understood more about her whispering powers. There is Jaime who I also liked. I enjoyed reading his adventures and pov. He was more of a serious character but developed a lot through the book. I enjoyed both characters but didn’t feel connected to them like I usually do.

This was a enjoyable historical book. I think the author handled the information with Down syndrome right and didn’t hurt the representation. (Unless I missed something or read something wrong). There isn’t much romance in this book expect some people having crushes. I did have minor problems with this book but not a lot. I think this book is perfect for those who love fantasy historical fiction.