A review by 3rian
Recoding America: Why Government Is Failing in the Digital Age and How We Can Do Better by Jennifer Pahlka


This was a fascinating and engaging read, outlining how and why the US government’s digital efforts get tangled up in process and end up prioritizing a list of requirements over the actual user experience, with the latter rarely warranting an afterthought. The book outlines how successful implementation isn’t really a question of throwing more money or people at the issue but rather rethinking the entire approach with the end-user in mind. There are some interesting examples with the Veterans Administration, the disastrous healthcare.gov rollout, SNAP programs, and the Postal Service’s distribution of COVID tests, all driving home the point of why it’s critical to get our act in gear to help the people that need it most.

The author also highlights a number of the talented and dedicated people within government that were able to accomplish meaningful technology-driven solutions in spite of the system. That, for me, was the most appealing aspect of the book. I felt seen knowing there are others who feel compelled to push for new methods and prioritize getting things right as opposed to getting them right away. Not easy to challenge establishment thinking, so I appreciated reading realistic and relatable stories about the obstacles they’d encountered along the way.

I didn’t really find any actual solutions being offered but I don’t think that was the point here. I still found great value in the book - not just for the sanity check, but its thoughtful structure, its advocacy for the benefits of a design-thinking mindset, and its overall inspiring, aspirational tone with respect to public sector work.