A review by michalice
My Unexpected Forever by Heidi McLaughlin


***Before you think about reading this review, if you plan to read Forever My Girl and My Everything then don't read any further as this review may contain spoilers for the previous book, so go and read them now then come back here.***
I want to start off this review by apologising for its vagueness, amazon took its sweet time in sending My Unexpected Forever through to my iPad and I waited up for it to be delivered, but once it was there I made a start on it and I literally stayed up till after 4am reading this book, and like all books that grab hold and aren't review books, I focused more on the book than actually getting notes for reviews. I was hooked, plain and simple.

I wasn't even finished on the first page and my heart was breaking, I want to hug Harrison. I feel so sorry for him, the doubts in himself and how he doesn't fit the mould for PTA meetings, or someone who you take home to meet the parents, yet wanting so much for his love interest to actually notice him and reciprocate his feelings.  He is also scared to act on them, not wanting to feel like he is pushing the memory of Mason out, or trying to replace him in the girls lives.

My Unexpected Forever is told in dual narratives, Harrison and Katelyn, we get to see what each of these characters are thinking and feeling, and there were times I wanted to lock this duo in a room so they could get their act together.  Harrison has made a new life for himself and Quinn in Beaumont, Quinn attends school with Noah, Peyton and Elle, and I really like how this brings the children together and helps them form their own friendships and relationships.  But it's not always easy for all involved, adults and children.
Katelyn, Peyton and Elle are still coming to terms with losing Mason and learning how to live without him. While Elle seems to be coping better, Peyton feels alone and left out whilst Katelyn is struggling in how to help the girls and still show them how she feels.  She is also torn between her feeling for Mason, and what she feels for Harrison, and the behaviour from Peyton doesn't always make for an easy life.

My Unexpected Forever has all the characters we love from Forever My Girl, and I loved getting to see how the lives of all involved are so entwined with each other.  They are all a big family and are there to offer support and love to everyone.  Liam and Jose certainly have some words of wisdom for Katelyn and Harrison that gives them the push to make a decision.  What Harrison does at the end of the book to show his love for Katelyn and the girls was such a thoughtful thing to do, and I vaguely remember crying over how sweet it was.

My Unexpected Forever was a fantastic read, from start to finish.  I could not put it down.  I laughed, I cried, I mentally pushed people to encourage them to get their act together, and I may have cried some more after that.  Heidi McLaughlin has a way of drawing you into the world she creates and not letting you go till the very last page.  I may have been late to reading her books, but I will never miss one now.  I experienced an emotional roller coaster ride reading My Unexpected Forever, and it's one I would not hesitate to get back on again.
Something happens near the end of the book and part of me has come up with a scenario that might not even be true and is just my over active imagination but I am really looking forward to finding out if I was right or not when the next book is published.  Heidi is of course keeping quiet about when that is.