A review by anjalisudarsan
Dear Girls: Intimate Tales, Untold Secrets, & Advice for Living Your Best Life by Ali Wong


Ali definitely was uninhibited and shares everything with absolutely no filter in this book. It had her signature sense of humour which had my eyes widen a few times, but I think I prefer her stand-ups better. I mean, this is a woman that has mooned her audience. There are a ton of TMIs shared - nailing the 'intimate tales' part of the title. Like a LOT of mentions of poop and post-pregnancy body struggles (the realities of it like incontinence and breastfeeding pains). I don't think there was any advice for me as such - it was just her story to her daughters.
I did like the letter from her husband in the end. Knowing that today, they're divorced, I felt a bit heartbroken thinking of how hard a marriage would be when gender roles are swapped. Although, in theory, it should be easy to be a stay-at-home dad in 2022 and let the woman be the brain winner, putting this into practice can be highly challenging. Especially from an Asian perspective, where men are still the providers. This, I think, was something I could ponder about.