A review by greyscarf
The Sandman: Overture #3 by Neil Gaiman


As the Overture story continues, I keep wondering just how much more will be revealed in the last two issues and still be resolved in a satisfactory way. Dream continues his journey to the realm of the stars with his cat-self and picking up another companion. Some of Alianora's story is revealed (you know, that mystery woman from [b:The Sandman, Vol. 5: A Game of You|25102|The Sandman, Vol. 5 A Game of You (The Sandman #5)|Neil Gaiman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1312279891s/25102.jpg|810826], and Dream & Desire's problems reveal a little bit of more their origins. These small but crucial details will stoke readers' love of the series & may just get you to start it over again.