A review by mindfulbanter
Second Position by Katherine Locke


I have to breathe before I even try to write this. This book has very little (if any) dull moments and each section is packed with emotion that I groaned every time I had to put this book down to dash off to my next class. Katherine did an amazing job with the pacing, the voices of both Zed and Aly (as the book was held in both perspectives), and somehow did an even better job with the storytelling because it felt incredibly real. I'm a native of Philly, so to see "Philadelphia" pop up twice on one page disturbed me, but that's my own little quirk and didn't detract from the reading experience at all.

I just want to note that the portrayal of ballet dancers and eating disorders was incredibly spot on since I have both of those in my background, though not nearly as advanced as Aly. I want more authors to be able to throw in mannerisms and not immediately draw attention to the otherwise taboo issues.

All in all, I really can't wait for the next installment and if you're interested in a riveting, passionate New Adult novel about an ex-ballerino and a ballerina in distress re-falling in love with all the real life blunders, download this book right now!