A review by larissajay
Cold Magic by Kate Elliott


I wasn't going to post a review, but after seeing a lot of harsh reviews of a book I really, really enjoyed I decided to post one back.
Why I loved Cold Fire: the main character, Cat, is great. She begins the story naive and grows into a strong heroine by the end. Her cousin, Bee, is equally a good character and although isn't present for most of the book, you learn a lot about her through Cat. I also like that the two women are each finding their own paths in the book; Bee has her own ability and the book has a twist I thought was perfect.
And Andevai. He has a LOT of character growth and I think it's one of the charms of this book. He's arrogant and flawed, but that's why you come to love him...

There's complaints to the cultural fantasy, which I didn't particularly mind. I can't say I understood exactly what the author means by some of the lineages, but you can grasp it with a bit of thinking. Afric. Roman. Celt. Really not that difficult.

Plus it doesn't MATTER if you don't quite grasp what tone of skin colour the character has.

There's a lot of political happenings which become clearer as Cat, the main character, becomes to understand them, and it's clear that it is a storyline that takes hold after the one immediately introduced (Cat getting married). Whilst a lot of the talk can be "confusing" for me, it added to an intrigue that I knew more was going on than just a girl-gets-betrothed 1-directional fantasy. It's not necessary to understand every bit, and you follow that as Cat (who is in over her head!)