A review by jugglingpup
The Otto Digmore Decision by Brent Hartinger


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I got an ARC of this book.

I have been reading Hartinger since I was in late middle school/early high school. I even met him once when he was presenting at the True Colors Conference. I doubt he will remember me, but meeting him was the highlight of my year that year. I literally came out as trans that day to all of my friends and started my social transition, but meeting Hartinger beat that. I still have the temporary tattoos he handed out. I am that level of a fan.

This book shows that the boys really are growing up. I was skeptical of leaving Russel behind. I grew up with Russel. I love Russel. I am so emotionally invested in Russel. Seeing Otto though is something I am glad I got to do. Otto was my favorite partner for Russel. I could write a very convincing essay on why Otto/Russel is better than Kevin/Russel, just saying.

Otto’s story has a theme of body acceptance, but also one of don’t given in to others. Otto has to confront both his feelings over his body and the feelings others have for his body. I know that getting validation from a partner and it not being internalized is a no-no is the body positivity movement, but Otto had those moments where his own acceptance of his body came partially from his experiences with Russel. I can related to this so hard. Sometimes having someone be attracted to you, not despite parts of you, but those parts being included can give that spark towards feeling pride and acceptance. It helps quiet those voices. There were so many scenes where Otto’s feelings broke my heart and I understood him so intensely that I almost didn’t miss Russel.

The plot is really interesting for most of the book. The ending gets a bit ridiculous. It feels like Hartinger hasn’t fully pulled himself out of writing YA. The book does read as a bit older, but it still follows the YA formula. I am hoping that the next series is a bit more mature, which means I will be reading the next series. Of course I will. Hartinger has hooked me and he did something so many authors haven’t. His characters have grown the right amount to keep up with me. When Russel was just coming out, so was I. When they were living on their own, so was I. It made the stories and the characters feel more like home and more real for me. This book felt less like home, but it also hit me at exactly the right time in my life.

Overall, the book is fun. The characters are unique and wonderful. There are call backs to other books that happen a bit too frequently. I don’t need the constant reminders that Otto and Russel dated, both because I remember and because it is rubbing it in my face that my couple didn’t make it.

As always, Min deserves more attention. She was always my favorite character. I hope that she gets her own book or series or maybe just a bigger role. This should just be added to every review and thought I have on Hartinger’s work, even the books that aren’t related. Min should just be in them.