A review by catwizard
Desert by Anonymous


“To be disillusioned - with 'Global Revolution' and with our capacity to 'Save the Earth' - should not alter our anarchist nature, or the love of nature we feel as anarchists. There are many possibilities for liberty and wildness still. What are some of these possibilities and how we can we live them? What objectives, what ins, what lives, what adventures are there when the illusions are set aside and re wakinto the world not disabled by disillusionment but unburdened by it?

IfI cross the river will you cross the river 
Or drown in this desert, this empty cup we're drinking from If we are beasts, we are not beasts of burden So ride alone, or ride with many others Just ride away as fast as you can. 
- Blackbird Raum, Valkyrie Horsewhip Reel”