A review by circlesofflame
The Night Visitors by Richard V. Hirst, Jenn Ashworth


This is a novella told in emails exchanged between two related characters as one (the younger cousin) tries to find the truth behind a family mystery and use her older cousin's fame as an established writer to publish a book. As more is uncovered about the mystery and about each of the two main characters through their exchanges, the novella takes an increasingly tense and potentially supernatural turn. I loved the acerbic wit of Alice's elderly relative, a woman who frequently imbibed liberal amounts of alcohol and thus becomes liberal with her rapier wit, sharp tongue and use of swar words!

The climax to this work really made it for me, as it gripped me at the beginning and lost me for a great portion of the middle, but the ambiguity and unexpected nature of the ending made the reading of this entirely worth it. It is only because the writing or plot didn't grip me for such a large portion that I felt that I could rate it no higher than three stars as a result.