A review by brooke_review
Whisper Island by Carissa Ann Lynch


Carissa Ann Lynch's Whisper Island is nothing that hasn't been done before. With an oversaturated suspense genre, a book must really have something special to make it stand out. Unfortunately, Whisper Island didn't. This novel about four friends who head off to an Alaskan island for three months to focus on their art and connect, read rather amateurishly and failed to hold my attention. With all of the characters melding into one due to the lack of a distinct voice, I couldn't keep track of who was who, nor did I care to. To amplify the problem, this book had extremely short chapters, normally a good thing, but when a reader is already having trouble getting a firm grasp on the characters, constantly switching POVs just makes things even more confusing. While I am sure many will love this book, I was bored and disengaged.