A review by abailey410
Depths of Salvation by Molly E. Lee


This is my favorite of the series so far, but to be honest I say that after each one and then change when I read them over again. It had action, romance, suspense, a strong female, and a stubborn man that tries to protect her at all costs.

Sadie Jenkins is a marine preservationist trying to preserve a WWII era shipwreck site that is home to its own ecosystem of unique plant life and marine life. A major corporation wants to put their pipeline through the site and destroy everything she is trying to save. Enter Connell Murphey, a dive welder working for the corporation who is enlisted to help destroy her site.

These two have an immediate connection so strong you can feel it through the pages. Everything about this book comes down to the details and the story that is painted. Every part of this story kept me on the edge of my seat and I was completely immersed in this world diving along with them. I felt it all, the bends when she surfaced too fast, the rush and fear of chasing away the sharks, the intense connection with Connell, and the excitement every time they explored a new section of the ship. This book is one that you will read over and over again and pick up something new each time. It was one of my favorites of the year and I highly recommend diving in as soon as possible.

ARC provided by the publisher for an honest review.