A review by alanak8
Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens


Ok I read this book and fell in love! It’s definitely for a more mature audience but very well written. It tells a tale of a girl who’s dad is abusive and her family slowly leaves. Eventually, she’s the only one besides her mostly drunk, abusive father. She learns to be self-sufficient, using his boat to go into town. Catching fish to sell at the market for basic needs and gas. As she becomes a regular, the whole town pitches in to help her.
Once she’s older, the worst happens. (Or almost…) a boy tries to take advantage of her sexually. She fights him off, but a couple of old men fishing witness it. (This made me mad bcs they did nothing to help?!)
When that boy ends up dead a few weeks later, everyone is suspicious of her, “The Marsh Girl” as she has been dubbed. The trial ends in her being innocent and she marries the man of her dreams and lives a happy life!

(I skipped some details because I didn’t feel like typing them but a good read!)