A review by jenmat1197
A Tall Man in a Low Land by Harry Pearson


This is the story of the author's own visit to Belgium in the late 1990s. He and his wife and young daughter spent many months in Belgium - traveling all over the country visiting as many cities as they could. He gives a recount of Belgium history, and speaks to many of the locals about their customs and cultures.

This was a pretty good book. It has a few funny parts, but I think it would have been funnier if I would have been 1) English and 2) up on English pop culture references of the 1990s. So some of the humor was lost on me. However - this did not really deter from the book - I enjoyed learning a lot about the different cities in Belgium and the history of Belgium as well. It was a good find for my Read The World Challenge. If you are planning on visiting Belgium, I would put this book on your list.