A review by mom2three
A Court of Ice and Wind by Meg Xuemei X


Someone actually came between Cass and her cake. I'm not going to tell you who, but I will tell you that it doesn't last long and she quickly returns to loving her favorite food. I swear my jaw hit the floor when I read that.
With every book in this series, I love Cass more and more. She is still that wonderful blend of immaturity and fearless God that I enjoy so much. She is still the spunky, kick-a**, hard-outer-shell-with-a-gooey-center, protector and destroyer. I love her recklessness and her fake it til you make it take on every situation. I love the way her men spoil her and treat her like the treasure she is. I love the way she is collecting friends and protectors while at the same time snubbing her nose at all her enemies.
Things are starting to peak in this one. New enemies are encountered, new alliances are formed, and things get a little bit darker for Cass. She is starting to get more info on who she really is and just what she's capable of (YAY!) but that knowledge brings her to the attention of people she isn't quite ready to deal with. There is pain in this one. Not everything is a bed of roses and there is sorrow mingled in with the joy, but that is what happens when you go to war with the Gods.
I love this series. I love Meg's writing style and the way her words pick me up and place me in the story like I'm living it. I love the bits of humor and the glimpses of dark that coexist in this world. I am enjoying tagging along while Cass grows into herself and all the struggles that go with that. The story is fast-paced and has plenty of action that keeps you on the edge of your seat. There is also passion and romance that heats you up and melts your heart. I am once again waiting impatiently for the next book in this series and I highly recommend this and every other book by this author.