A review by nastja_m
Accidental Witness by Sam Mariano


More of a prequel slash introduction to the world than a fully-fledged standalone, really.

Thing is, I was way more invested in Mia and Mateo than I was in the relationship between her and Vince, who was kinda passive and not all that appealing.
Also, I'm not quite sure about that eyebrow-raising one-eighty...

In the end, Mia became more of a stand-in than a character in her own right, with her POV serving to further Mateo's story more than anything; a look at what he was like before he finds "the one” in future installments.
At least, that's my understanding.

Probably why there’s this lingering feeling of dissatisfaction, slight but there…

Guess I’ll have to keep reading to see if this approach pays off.