A review by veryperi22
Heilung von innen: Die neue Medizin der Selbstheilungskräfte by Jo Marchant


Cure, A Journey Into the Science of Mind Over Body
by: Jo Marchant

The Mind-body connection was hijacked by Alternative medicine/ New age gurus, spiritual healers, in short: quacks.
The hijacking has tainted the scientific research on the mind/body connection so much so that scientists who tried to study this topic were guaranteed not to get tenure, so they didn’t pursue it.

With good research and data, Jo Marchant sets out to explore the potential of the mind’s ability to heal the body, the power of the placebo,
And the peace that can come with the mind.

In her discussion on The Placebo Effect she talks about how drugs have to perform better than a placebo. What is not discussed is the rate of the actual placebo effect and how that can be beneficial.
Now, obviously, the placebo effect isn’t news. It is ubiquitous in all medical literature and training.
The question is, why isn’t it being harnessed, asks Marchant.

Ethics of placebo can be an issue, and Marchant extensively addresses the ethics of misleading patients, and studies on the ethical placebo, where patients know they are taking a placebo, and how it can still work.

She addresses how gut issues, fatigue, pain, inflammation are all examples of illnesses that the mind can help bring respite. Not to mention Mental Illness.

She speaks with people who have slowed the speed of their degenerative illnesses with Yoga and meditation. I learned about Biofeedback/paced breathing as well. As in centering and calming the body, this makes sense to reduce stress which in turn may reduce inflammation.

Doctors routinely attribute stress to be the cause of many fatal illnesses. Why can’t the reverse be, at least a little bit, true?
So better food patterns, sleep and stress relief in the form of mediation, yoga, etc, are critical in reducing inflammation. What she’s saying isn’t new.
It’s just illuminating and coherent.

She also has a chapter on the role of relationships and health, that social ties are linked to longevity.

Great if I don’t have patience to yoga, at least I have good friends.
Or in this time of social distancing where I can’t spend time with friends, take on Yoga