A review by git_r_read
Mercy for Animals: One Man's Quest to Inspire Compassion and Improve the Lives of Farm Animals by Nathan Runkle, Gene Stone


This is an exceptionally well-thought out and well-written book. It could easily have been the author preaching and screeching about animal rights. Instead he begins with his upbringing and how he morphed into the activist he is. And it's not all about his life and what he's done. He writes about everyone he works with. I like that it isn't a 'Look at ME!' type of book. He wants the world to see what has happened factory-farm animals. The cruelty of the process, the workers, the need for the big ag companies to make more money and how powerful they are.
The scenes are horrific in a lot of the book, but are necessary for the reader to see. There are heart-warming parts too in the rescue of animals and the big food companies that make changes once they see what's been happening. Sometimes it's for the bottom line of losing customers, but sometimes it's for doing the right thing.
Nathan would like everyone to become a vegan, but knows that it's unrealistic. So he at least wants to help the animals who are raised for the omnivores of the world to be treated better and more humanely. He names names of people and companies. It's eye-opening.
I honestly thought I was going to do a lot of eye-rolling throughout the reading of this book, but I didn't. I appreciated what Nathan's story was trying to get across to the world. It didn't turn me into a vegetarian let alone a vegan, but it does make me happier in the choices I've taken to intake more humanely raised food.
I can recommend this book.