A review by allivenger
Earth's End by Elise Kova


I want to start this off by saying I really liked the first two books of this series. They were written well and I liked the storyline. This book, however, I absolutely loathed. It just wasn’t it for me.

It started out strong with Vhalla on a desperate quest to save her Prince. Obv she does and then it’s absolute ridiculousness from then on out. The romance we’ve been waiting for was gag worthy. If I had to read about how amazing the sex was between these two characters one more time or a reference back to it in flowery prose I was going to scream. We get it, you two are banging, it doesn’t need to be flowery. Then suddenly “it’s us against the world!” The world being the Emperor.

The emperor’s hatred towards vhalla might be warranted (though I am not sure it is, it’s way over the top). It was giving me Yoko Ono vibes and it shouldn’t have. Vhalla has been a library apprentice, she absolutely has valuable knowledge that could help these generals. But for her to suddenly be the supreme knowledge in this was ridiculous. Aldrik should never have put her in that position.

It’s any wonder that at the end the Emperor outmaneuvered both of them. They were blinded by this great and flowery love and ignored the fact that the Emperor HATES Vhalla for some reason. And the fight at the end of this made my blood boil. It was stupid and made Aldrik look like he had two personalities warring with each other and Vhalla acted like the child she is.