A review by noellelovesbooks
Lore of the Wilds by Analeigh Sbrana


Content Warnings: violence, blood, death, murder, classism, and racism. 
Mention of: kidnapping, slavery, death of loved ones, and rape.

***I received and e-ARC, ahead of release, through Netgalley***

From reading the summary of this book I knew I wanted...no needed to dive into the world and see what it was all about. 

From the start it was easy to love and cheer for Lore. 

I do feel the pacing was a bit off in this book...the first 3/4 feels like a lot of day to day things as we get to know Lore and the other cast of characters and then the last 1/4 of the book is like we're racing down the autobahn. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE everything about this story I just think maybe the last 1/4 should have been stretched out a bit more. This easily could have been a 500 page book and I would have devoured it and loved it just as much.

I do wish I had known in advance that it would be part of a series...the way it's advertised and labeled online was giving "standalone" vibes...so the entire time I was reading I was wondering how the heck they were going to wrap up the story...on to have it end on a ..." to be continued..." I'm guessing...it'll be a duology...though it's a bit to early to tell.

When this book releases next month I plan on purchasing it so I can reread it, possibly a few times, before book 2 inevitably releases. 

If you're looking for a book that gives fall magical vibes with a strong leading lady who's fierce determination to bring peace and happiness to her people had me ready to go to battle...you won't want to pass on this book. 💜

Only read the below paragraph if you've read this book already! Major spoiler warnings below.

Okay, so I feel like Asher revealed himself entirely too early...AND I would have loved to see a slightly stronger relationship develop between Lore and Finn before this reveal...because I feel like going forward Finn may feel like a 2nd string pick...when really she's felt connected to him almost from their first meeting...and it was only his grumpiness keeping her from attempting a deeper connection...

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