A review by hagbard_celine
The Desert Spear by Peter V. Brett



The Arlen Bales/Warded Man/"What's the deal with the demons?" storyline is really tremendously compelling. I wish this book were just that.

Instead, I only got a few pages of that really cool heroic-fantasy-with-an-unspooling-mystery mixed in with 500 pages of other characters in other plotlines. These plotlines are... inferior.

It seems like every character in this book besides Arlen Bales is busy a) being the victim of sexual violence, b) committing acts of sexual violence themselves, c) thinking about the sexual violence around them, d) thinking about the sexual violence done to them, or e) having sexy, sexy times with sexy, sexy ladies/dudes.

Will not continue reading the series. The magic/warded man story is really cool, but not cool enough to read another 500-2000 pages of the author's alternating rape fantasies and harem fantasies.