A review by quitecarefully
Playing Big: Find Your Voice, Your Mission, Your Message by Tara Mohr


As someone who struggles with feeling like I'm not "doing enough" or living up to my potential, I had high hopes for this book. The book did contain a lot of practical advice (targeted towards women) for stepping up your career or creative endeavors, as well as bit of, er, more spiritual (for lack of a better word) advice on finding your calling and embracing your true self.

While some of the advice is directly applicable to whatever you're doing at the moment, a lot of the advice was targeted at women transitioning to a new career path, starting a new endeavor, or taking their hobby or passion to the next level - none of which really apply to my situation. I found the chapters on discovering your inner mentor, dealing with praise and criticism, communicating, and self-discipline to be very helpful, while chapters discussing how to respond to one's calling and achieving specific goals were less helpful (probably because I did not have a specific goal in mind when reading this book).