A review by cathybruce208
The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan


I loved this book! The first true monster I ever really rooted for. It's hard to describe this book without giving too much away. You don't even have to like supernatural books, I would recommend this story on the author's writing and voice alone.

Jake is the last werewolf on earth. Werewolves aren't immortal, but they can live for 400 years (unless WOCOP, a group charged with exterminating supernatural monsters, finds them first.) Jake is only 200, but he's tired. He's had too much life. But before you think he's some fey creature overcome with ennui, know that Jake has a cutting intellect, a super-charged libido and a clear-eyed view of what he is.

To tell more, would spoil the book. Yes, there are vampires too. Yes, this book is densely plotted. Yes, there is lots of action, both in the bedroom and out of it. Just read it and enjoy.