A review by aadaenyaa
The White Towers by Andy Remic


I enjoyed this, I really did. I have some quibbling annoyances, but overall, it was a good read. My first annoyance: Don't spend a page describing the life of a character who dies in the next paragraph. It doesn't add to the story. It's not giving you anymore insight into the world at which we're looking.
Annoyance #2 : I get you're trying to give us back story on the characters, but some time it gets to be just a bit much. I don't want a soliloquy every time you switch viewpoints.

Now, on to the good points! Interesting Tale, I've not read the first book, but was able to get up to speed very quickly. Characters are gritty and dark, with sudden blooms of light. I see the word "grimdark" being tossed about, and yes, that fits. Novel protagonists, it's always nice to have something that is not your standard bad guy trope. Definite twists I didn't see coming, although I might have if I had read the first book. All in all, a satisfying read!